World Vision

I was very disappointed at the reaction, in the December issue, to the World Vision catalogue being included in a recent issue of the Record.

As a long time supporter of World Vision and child sponsor for more than thirty years, I for one, found the catalogue most timely and useful. This year our family had decided to make donations to charities of our choice in place of individual gifts (small children excluded, of course). The catalogue touched my heartstrings and offered me a unique and meaningful way of helping those less fortunate, as we celebrated the festive season.

There has always been enough for Presbyterians Sharing, PWS&D, and the WMS. Are we not Christians first and Presbyterians second? Does the destitute family in Africa or starving child, care whether my gifts came through World Vision or Presbyterians Sharing?

Is it possible Church membership is declining because the Church has become too self-centered and ingrown?