Top ten Christian employers

Do Christians make good employers?

A coalition of Christian organizations, led by the Canadian Council of Christian Charities, did a survey of Christian workplaces, based on Christ's example. These are the top ten Christian employers in Canada.

Bethesda Christian Association, B.C.
Provides support to 240 people.

Bible League of Canada, Ont.
Distributes bibles around the world.

Centre Street Church, Alta.
A 4,600 member church in Calgary.

Christian Direction, Que.
Works with inner-city and ethnic communities.

Compassion Canada, Ont.
Sponsors 650,000 children around the world.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Ont.
An affiliation of 140 denominations, ministries and institutions.

Free Methodist Church in Canada, Ont.
Has 130 churches across the country.

Muskoka Woods Sport Resort, Ont.
"Fun is our trademark" claims this Christian camp.

Scott Mission, Ont.
Works on inner-city issues in downtown Toronto.

Serving In Mission Canada, Ont.
Does mission work in South America, Africa and Asia.

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Amy MacLachlan