Readers object to Coren's Christian Right

My blood was boiling after reading Michael Coren's sanctimonious column The Secular Left Blames The Christian Right. We are either in agreement with the platform of U.S. conservatives (which seems to be God's side) or, if we don't agree with that philosophy, we are part of the secular left, and are totally out of sync with God's teachings and are intolerant to boot.
Mr. Coren intimates that if we are not on the Christian Right then we are in the same bracket as "one rather glib Canadian pundit", who made the stupid remark of saying that "half of the United States wants to be like Canada and the other half like Iran". Why he would even quote such inanity defies logic.
I am not on the secular left nor on the Christian right, but I am a straightforward Christian. I struggle to understand certain parts of the Bible, but I read it with an open mind and ascertain from it what God is saying to me. We live in a different world from when the Bible was written and I take that into consideration when coming to conclusions.
I object to Mr. Coren's insinuations. Of course he knows some wonderful people who voted for Bush, probably so do we all. I also know personally equally wonderful, God-fearing and intelligent people who worked tirelessly for Kerry.
On a happier note, I have to thank Andrew Faiz for his article, Moral Issues = Christian Right Agenda — he restored my blood pressure to normal.