Bigoted drivel

After the recent U.S. election, there were some serious doubts regarding some of the counting methods. Michael Coren refers to it as "the game of democracy". Surely he jests. He says "the very nature of free speech and political expression was challenged". Exactly my impression of his writing. Does he really believe that the Canadian Democrats lost? What did they lose? He also criticizes the quote "half of the United States wants to be like Canada, the other half like Iran". But that is jumping on a statement written by a fool. "In Canada", he says, "this is accepted as intelligent analysis". To use his statement, I've never seen such flummery and nonsense in my life. "A toxin of ignorance and bitterness flowed into the media bloodstream and poisoned the body politic."

Really? What bigoted drivel.

About Harry Marchant
Brampton, Ont.