Vatican presses UN to recognize 'Christianophobia'

A recent news story reported that the Vatican is so concerned about attacks upon Christianity that it has appealed to the United Nations organization for some form of protection for Christianity. "The Vatican is pressing the United Nations to recognize 'Christianophobia' as an evil equal to that of anti-Semitism or 'Islamophobia.'"
It is an ugly word — ugly to the eye, ugly to the ear and ugly to the tongue but it certainly expresses the onomatopoeia of an environment of extreme hostility to Christianity.
While I would have preferred reference to "anti-Jewish" rather than "anti-Semitism" as I still consider "Semitic" to refer to language and physical appearance not religion, perhaps the much-widened definition and its wider use may redound to the advantage of Christianity too, in the longer run. The other two monotheistic religions are not likely to give much support to the preservation of Christianity but, at best, they will probably remain neutral.
I have never favoured ecumenism in that total union is impossible, largely because the trees of this particular wood are so disparate with different histories and life-spans. Pursuing ecumenism in the present set of circumstances is like rearranging the deck-chairs on the 'Titanic'. Cooperation is, however, well within the capabilities of the varying Christian bodies.
If protection of Christianity is not forthcoming from the pulpits then, of necessity, it must come from the pews.

About Kennedy Maconochie
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Que.