PCC MPs support man-woman union

The seven Presbyterian Members of Parliament have each declared their position on same-sex marriage. See their parliamentary websites for the full statements.

Roger Gallaway (Liberal, Sarnia-Lambton, Ont.) — Against — "Failure to define marriage as between a man and a woman is vandalism of our constitution."

Charles Hubbard (Liberal, Mirimichi, NB) — Against — "I'm with the government, but I'll be voting against same-sex marriage."

David Kilgour (Liberal, Edmonton-Mills Woods-Beaumont, Alta.) — Against — "The reference to the Supreme Court of Canada should be broadened to ask further questions."

Jim Prentice (Conservative, Calgary Centre-North, Alta.) — For — "Religious marriage is the authority of the church and must be jealously guarded. But civil marriage must be available equally to all."

Karen Redman (Liberal, Kitchener Centre, Ont.) — For — "Extending the right to civil marriage is an affirmation of Canada's commitment to protecting minority rights and guaranteeing equality."

Gary Schellenberger (Conservative, Perth-Wellington, Ont.) — Against — "Discrimination against members of any minority group is unconstitutional. We can achieve a tolerant, respectful society without changing the definition of marriage."

John Williams (Conservative, Edmonton-St. Albert, Alta.) — Against — "Marriage covers only one definition. A public commitment to a same-sex relationship should be defined in another way."
Amy MacLachlan