Each Christian family could sponsor one poor family

Re: Child Poverty Truly Threatens The Family, January
Child poverty is a meaningless term. We have children living in poor families, not poor orphans as the term "child poverty" suggests. Many, maybe even most, of those families have only one parent — whether due to misfortune, lack of extended family support, carelessness, lack of compromise or any of a number of reasons. We now have decades of well-publicized data demonstrating that single parent families and their children are more likely to be economically disadvantaged. Yet many young people continue to play sexual Russian roulette and parents still divorce at alarming rates, often for largely selfish reasons. While some families are in need through no fault of their own, others are in need because of decisions they have made or have failed to make. Life doesn't need to be about failing, shouldn't be about failing, but about finding and following the individual plan God has for each one of us. As Christians that is part of the good news we are called to put in action, especially with those who need our help.
What if every Christian family in Canada with the economic means worked through Christian charities to help a poor family break out of poverty? The problem might be largely resolved and far sooner than waiting for our government.

About P. Wolstenholme, Calgary, Alta.