Colleges correct stipend story

We write to clarify some points in the March Record concerning executive and professorial stipends.
In late January, the colleges and the Committee on Theological Education were given the report containing recommendations from Assembly Council concerning changes to executive and professorial stipends. The colleges had no input into this report and are rather mystified as to what it means for our faculty. The indication is that stipends have been increased and money set aside from Presbyterians Sharing to compensate the colleges for the increase. Two things need to be noted: first, the article says that no specific amount is being suggested for faculty but that this decision is left to the college boards. Such a move signals a departure from the traditional role of the General Assembly in its relationship to the colleges and college faculty. While it may be a needed change, there was no opportunity for input from the colleges. Secondly, the increase from Presbyterians Sharing, while seemingly generous, actually leaves the colleges behind financially if the historical relationship between faculty and executive staff at 50 Wynford is maintained. This report was discussed at length at the February meeting of the Committee on Theological Education. Recommendations were approved that will hopefully begin a process of conversation with Assembly Council to clarify the issues at stake. The college boards will be addressing the budgetary and governance implications of this report at their next meeting.

About Dorcas Gordon
Principal, Knox College, Toronto

John Vissers
Principal, Presbyterian College, Montreal

Dean, St. Andrew's Hall, Vancouver