Bhil prisoners still waiting for trial

The Presbyterian church is willing to send more funds to India to help with the legal expenses of 13 Bhil Christians who were arrested following a local uprising last January. International Ministries already sent $5,000. Of the 13 arrested, eight were charged with the death of a Hindu man. He was killed while Christians were protecting their homes and a church that were damaged during the attacks. Trial hearings have been repeatedly postponed because judges and witnesses fail to appear in court.
The church has been working with the Bhil people of Vindhya Satpura for more than 100 years. Pauline Brown, a Canadian missionary there, submits regular updates on the trial's progress. Presbyterian World Service & Development supports community health programs in the region, including the Jobat Christian Hospital. International Ministries posts updates on its website and keeps close contact with the Church of North India.
The church has asked the Indian government to stop extremist groups from terrorizing minorities, and to ensure justice is done for the families left homeless after their homes were burned. — AM