Enjoy it, Fee advises

Rick Fee
Rick Fee

"The church likes the moderator. They really do," Rick Fee told Jean Morris. "They see the moderator as somebody through whom they can show appreciation to the church."
Fee's words already ring true for this year's moderator, Rev. Jean Morris. Although her new title was less than a week old at the time of this interview, Morris was already on the receiving end of compliments, praise and well wishes from the assembly's commissioners. "I'm thankful for the way I've been treated by the assembly, with incredible grace and respect," she said. "I'm touched by the kindness and support of the commissioners. I've felt connected and that's important to me."
For Morris, the week has been a whirlwind of emotions. She has felt gratitude, awe, humility, encouragement and physical exhaustion. "It's a very humbling and almost shocking thing to have everyone stand up when you walk in a room. That really struck me when I stepped into that sanctuary."
For Fee, whose year in charge has drawn to a close, the feelings are slightly different. "Passing on the torch is very happily done," he admitted. "You expect it to happen, and you put your mind to that fact."
Fee was particularly impressed by the support for the Towards a World Without AIDS campaign, which he initiated last June. He was struck by the commitment shown by congregant volunteers to the cause. And it proved another benefit. "The AIDS campaign acted as a bridge in the family. It was a way of breaking into topics you normally wouldn't talk about."
Morris was praised for moderating an open and efficient assembly. This came as no surprise to her father Harrold. "I knew she'd do a good job," he told the Record. "I've responded to any questions she has had," he said, " but it is important for her to be her own person."
"Dad's been really supportive, and I've been grateful for that." She's quick to point out that her father isn't the only man in her life. Her husband, Matthew, has been a constant source of support since she found out she was nominated.
When asked if he had any advice for his colleague, Fee was brief: "Enjoy it!" he said. "Jean's person and her ministry are things that will give the church encouragement and vision. And as this assembly said, the church is not to be held in trust for the future — it's for everyone now."