Challenge can be enlightening

Kudos to the Record for giving exposure to The Pagan Christ by Tom Harpur. The author postulates that Jesus, in any form, never existed. Further, Charles Templeton in Farewell to God denies the divinity of Jesus. Both books contain a direct rebuttal to scripture, especially the New Testament. Some people believe too little.

On the other hand, many believe that Jesus is God, born of a virgin, that Adam and Eve were actually real people, that the universe was created in six days, that hell exists eternally for unrepentant souls, that heaven exists only for born-again Christians excluding everyone except the chosen few. Some believe too much.

Adherence to the former smacks of atheism. The latter can lead to a jaded view of life, which can result in extremism. For example, the proposed banning of the popular Harry Potter books and the suspicion of finding Satan's influence in Walt Disney productions.

It would be refreshing if all people, including Christians, would speak from the heart, however diverse, and not just parrot what someone has told them to say. Challenge can be both healthy and enlightening.

Spiritual hunger is universal and, ideally speaking, divine truth should be paramount and ongoing.

About J. Gordon Neal, Whitby, Ont.