A Job Well Done

The Record had a strong showing at the annual Associated Church Press and Canadian Church Press awards. Amy MacLachlan beat 15 other entries to capture first place at ACP for her June 2004 news story, East Toronto Presbytery Says No to Temporary Approval of Same-sex Marriage. ACP judges Canadian and American talent.
The Record also received 14 awards at CCP, including four first-places. The magazine received second place for general excellence. Judge Paul Wilson commented: "The quality of the writing is superior, the range of material is broad and engaging, and often presented in a way that confounds reader expectations."
The Record's editor, David Harris, was elected president of the CCP, a position he will hold for two years.
CCP awards were as follows:


Original Written Humour (Fiction-Non Fiction)

Peter Plymley II, Pastoral Epistles from Peter Plymley II


David Webber, The Night the Horses Ate the Preacher's Truck

Front Cover – Black and White

Photographer: Peter Williams, Ted Johnson and the nightmare of Biafra

Editorial writing

David Harris, For the Record – Security Can't Be a Retreat From Peace


In-depth treatment of a news event

Amy MacLachlan, Ethiopia

Letters to the Editor

Theological Reflection (Doctrinal)

J. Philip Newell, Celtic Spirituality Listens for the Heartbeat of God

Biographical Profile (living or dead)

Hugh McCullum, Ted Johnson, A Retrospective

Black & White Photo

Photographer: David Harris, Palestinian Mother

Colour Photo Spread

Photographer: David Harris, Can the Middle East Have Peace?

General Excellence, denominational magazines


News story, magazine

Amy Cameron, Filling in the Gaps

Media Review, magazine

Alex MacLeod and Harris Athanasiadis

Original Artwork, magazine

Artist: Edward Schnurr, Program Helps Divorced People Find Healing, Hope and Christ