Mission is in her blood

Kendra Shaw
Kendra Shaw

On July 4, I found myself in the departure lounge of Pearson International in Toronto, waiting to leave for Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. These were the destinations for the July Youth in Mission project. Getting here, for me, has been a lifelong journey. As long as I can remember I've had a passion and desire to travel to different countries and to participate in mission. Now I was combining these two longings.
As I look back I see many factors that helped form these desires. Perhaps one of the most important is hereditary. My mom, Linda Shaw, had been a missionary appointed by The Presbyterian Church in Canada to work in a remote part of Lesotho, Africa. I was wrapped in a traditional Basotho blanket at my baptism, so maybe these desires are also part of my spiritual DNA. And while we don't often think of Canada as a mission field (though it is hardly the Kingdom of Heaven on earth), my father, Ian Shaw, was appointed to Biggar, Sask., as an ordained missionary.
And that might also account for some of my travel urges. Our family was always going places. When I was eight months old, we drove from Saskatchewan to General Assembly in London, Ont. (I even had my picture show up in the Presbyterian Record!) I've been from coast to coast in Canada, visited about 20 different states in the U.S., and have been to Cuba!
Equally important as travelling to other places, are the number of people from other places I've met. We have often hosted missionaries doing deputation at our church. And we have also hosted many international university students from about a dozen different countries. I have had so many fascinating opportunities to learn about other people, places and cultures. As a result, my level of interest in the wider world has been raised and a sense of comfort interacting with people from different lands and beliefs has developed.
After some deep soul-searching and prayer I came upon a poster for YIM advertising upcoming trips to Guatemala, Mistawasis, Sask., and Central Europe. The one that really stood out to me was the latter to Romania, Ukraine and Hungary. I'd seen a couple of documentaries on these countries, Romania in particular, and always had a desire to go there. Also, two friends of mine had participated in this trip last year and I'd been enthralled by their experiences. My mom has also been to Romania and I was deeply moved by her stories. All in all, I felt that this was what God was leading me to do this summer, so I applied and I was accepted! Since then, I've continued to feel totally driven to do this. I have such a desire to meet the people I'm going to encounter and have the opportunity to share my faith. I'm looking forward to serving God in different ways in these countries. I know that I will be pushed physically, emotionally and spiritually and that I will grow as a Christian. I also hope to encounter much about the culture and grow out of my North American bubble. I'm especially looking forward to working with the children of these countries and I'm looking forward to interacting with the Gypsy people.
I totally feel that it is my faith that is driving me to do this. To give up all that is familiar to me and to stretch myself. I know that God will use me to serve Him and bring glory to His name.