Seeking the ancient paths: Mr. and Mrs. Lai-Wing Hum

Three young couples were married this summer — a great event in the life of a small congregation. At Chinese New Year, the congregation presented them with gifts.
At the same time, six other couples were invited on stage. All of them had been married for 50 years and more — one couple for 66 years!
The ceremony was designed not only to honour the six older couples but also to encourage those soon to be married by their example and words. Each one spoke movingly of their experiences and what marriage meant to them.
Mr. Lai-Wing and Mrs. Kim Hum celebrated their 51st anniversary last year. They were very young when they married but at their first meeting quickly recognized they had many things in common.
While the Hums believe that both husband and wife are equal in marriage, the husband is still the leader of the family and the wife still needs to do house duties. They must have a good relationship with their children and they must grow and learn together with them. Financial planning is important, as is a good education. And then, this message for teenagers and young adults: not only should you marry a Christian but one who is mature in the faith.
I learned a lot about marriage from both Mr. and Mrs. Hum. For me, it is very important to choose the right person and that she be a good Christian. It will be the greatest moment of my life!