Ministry Exchange

From February to August, two Presbyterian ministers from opposite sides of the world journeyed to each other's church and home. Rev. Shaun Seaman of Trinity, Kanata, Ont., and Rev. Colin English of St. Paul's, New Zealand, participated in a exchange where one assumes the other's role in church. Homes and vehicles are also exchanged.

The process is facilitated by International Ministry Exchanges, an organization originally created by a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA). IME offers its services free of charge. It distributes information, gathers applications, links possible exchange partners, and helps with the paperwork needed for such cross-border endeavours. The home congregation still provides the stipend for its own minister. Expenses are generally paid for by the congregation and/or minister.

Below are two stories about time spent in a foreign country, a foreign congregation, and the benefits such an experience can yield.

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New Zealand minister reflects on his time in Canada
by Amy MacLachlan
Experiencing a sunrise Easter service while the ground was covered with snow is not the only thing Rev. Colin English will take back to his New Zealand parish. He’ll tell stories about the people he met in Canada, the welcoming arms of his host congregation, and the realization that the Presbyterian churches in Canada and New Zealand wrestle with similar issues.

Ministry exchange has led to a renewal of family
by Shaun Seaman
Reluctantly, we are acknowledging that our time in Napier New Zealand is too quickly coming to an end. This is our second Ministry Exchange experience, and as before, it has been a tremendous blessing to our family and to our ministry.