Seeking the ancient paths: Mr. James Wing

James Wing's 1923 head tax certificate.
James Wing's 1923 head tax certificate.

James Wing is my grandfather and the senior elder of the congregation, who came to Canada in 1923 at the age of 11. He was compelled by the Canadian government to pay a head tax of $500 in order to stay in the country, as were most Chinese people.
I asked him if he encountered much prejudice in those early days because he was Chinese. Not when he was a boy, but as he grew older, there were people who would not speak to him because of his race and many Canadian companies refused to hire Chinese workers. The head tax in his estimation was a great wrong. The government taxed no other race and has yet to redress this injustice. The Chinese church in Montreal, on the other hand, provided a source of community and helped him feel less isolated. Above all, the church taught him to rely on God during hard times. When asked what advice he had for the congregation today, elder Wing said he would encourage families to attend church regularly, paying special attention to their children. Adults should seek positions of leadership when they are young, teaching Sunday school and assisting with visitation and outreach.
"You are my grandfather," I said, "what lessons would you like me to learn from your life?"
"It is extremely important for you, Sara, to build up a strong faith so that you will be able to rely on it during difficult times."
The authors were assisted by Gwendolin Basham Lam, English ministry worker and J.S.S. Armour, Interim-Moderator, Montreal Chinese.