Myriad activities, active service

Rev. Dr. Alan McPherson is seen here with his wife Maureen on his last day of service at Central.
Rev. Dr. Alan McPherson is seen here with his wife Maureen on his last day of service at Central.

Twenty-five years is a long time for a minister to stay at one church, especially when he didn't actually receive the call to serve there. This was the case with Rev. Dr. Alan McPherson, who recently retired as minister of Central Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, Ontario. The courier service somehow lost the pertinent documents in transit to his home in Scotland. Alan likes to quip that he came anyway.
Central's congregation and the community at large are grateful that he did! The organizations that have benefitted from his diligence and expertise are many and diverse. Whatever he undertakes is always carried out with compassion, grace and, when appropriate, a wonderful sense of humour.
Alan plunged into a myriad activites soon after his arrival here from Cumbernauld, Scotland, in 1980 with his wife Maureen, son Murray and daughter Melanie. He presided over many committees of the Presbytery of Hamilton, serving as Presbytery Moderator in 1991-92, and was called upon to act as Interim Moderator to three churches in the community between 1987 and 1999 – Strathcona, Knox in Dundas and Heritage Green. He continues as convener of the Executive/Business Committee of Presbytery.
During his year as Moderator of the General Assembly (1995-1996) he and Maureen travelled to Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan, as well as across Canada. Among the many positions Alan has held in the General Assembly are convener of the Board of Ministry and of the Assembly Council. He continues on the Presbyterian Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy and convenes the Fund for Ministerial Assistance.
In 1984 he succeeded Dr. Lorne Mackay as chaplain of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (P.L.). In 2002 he participated in the ceremonial presentation of the regiment's new colours by Queen Elizabeth. These colours, together with the old ones, hang in the Chancel of Central Church.
There were many changes and innovations at Central during Dr. McPherson's ministry. To mention a few, women were elected to Session for the first time in 1982 and the category of Elder Emeritus was instituted in 1985. A church library was established and a newsletter started. A project dear to his heart is the Hamilton Out of the Cold Programme which welcomes close to 100 guests for dinner once a week during the winter months. He played a significant role in bringing his church into this community project and continues to serve on that Board.
His activities and responsiblities in the community were diverse and ranged from a challenging four years as trustee on the Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation (1996-2000) to presidency of the Rotary Club of Hamilton. He was on the Board of the Victorian Order of Nurses and remains as a director of the Hamilton Community Foundation.
Central has been blessed with exceptional ministers over its 164 year history and Alan McPherson was only the tenth to accept the call over all those years. Or, rather, to accept the call that never came! Perhaps it will show up on one of his visits back to Scotland.