Duff, Morriston, ON


They started out half a century ago, young couples with young families bonding together to organize fundraisers for Duff, Morriston, Ont. They called themselves Duff’s Fireside Club, organized bake sales, bar-be-ques, bazaars, catering and many other functions. Proceeds were used where needed for the church, the manse, Bible gifts for students, assistance for first time glen mohr camp students, and many other worthy projects.
Back row. William Kerr, Isabel Crow, George Pentelow, Doris Gilmour, Doug Gilmour, Robert McCaig, Shirley Winer, Eve Winer, Jack Winer and Gordon Stewart.
Front row: Gordon Fielding, Irene Fielding, Helen Schwartz, Don Schwartz and Doris McCaig.