St. James, Chatham, ON


Pastor John’s beard in its final moments.

Rev. John Giurin of St. James, Chatham, Ont., challenged his congregation last December to raise $3,000 for PWS&D’s tsunami relief efforts. His congregation offered their own challenge. In the end $4,600 was raised and the beloved pastor shaved off his beloved beard. The congregation was kind enough to leave him his 20-year moustache.

Everyone was a winner that day; the money was sent to PWS&D for the Food Grains Bank, the good folk of St. James had a good time, and Pastor John’s wife got her clean-shaven husband back!


Clerk of Session, Bill Gregg, gives the ceremonial first pass with the razor.


Parishioner Sandy Bean finishes up as only a trained nurse can.


Pastor John’s raw cheeks are soothed eased with motherly kisses.


Some of the St. James ladies admire their newly beardless cleric.