Certainly a lot going on here

Jim Mazure, left, and Rev. Glenn Ball lead worship during General Assembly the Alberta way.
Jim Mazure, left, and Rev. Glenn Ball lead worship during General Assembly the Alberta way.

The oil patch is pumping out more black gold than ever before and the refineries are working over time since the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico as we at Sherwood Park, Alta., look for the ways to proclaim that God is in the midst of all this activity. To be a new church in an area that is facing the most rapid growth in the country in terms of population, wealth and general economic strength has its joys and its challenges. Unlike many new church development projects, we were able to move into our own building amazingly quickly. Thanks to the support of Canada Ministries and money given through the Live the Vision fund we have been given a former funeral home (previously a Roman Catholic Church) in which to conduct our ministry. Most new churches do not start with a sanctuary to hold 300-plus people and we have only had that number in once, for a concert with Steve Bell. We have started to break over the 100 people mark on high Sunday mornings and our low Sundays are equal to our averages four years ago. So we know we still have a long way to go to becoming fully self supporting but it has been good to see God at work in the community.
We have been able to spend our time and effort in building programs that build-up the people of God in faith and in fellowship. One Sunday in September we held a breakfast before worship and displayed the descriptions of the fall program with sign-up sheets for all events. Half of our worshipping congregation that morning joined us for breakfast and more stayed after church. Our goal is to create a seven-day-a-week church, a place where there is always something happening to show to the community that God is active and cares for them. We do this in many ways. There are study groups meeting for four to 10 weeks at a time, after church, Monday and Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings. The women of the church meet weekly for exercise and crafts and one evening a month for fellowship. The men meet for breakfast, fellowship and to listen to speakers one Saturday a month. Our children's programs include Sunday school, a week of evening Vacation Bible School in the summer, an after school program on Wednesdays and youth group on Fridays through the school year.
We place a substantial emphasis on mission and outreach and living as the ministers of the gospel of Christ. While there is some requirement to find bodies to fit the various tasks of the church we prefer to help people find their own ministry and use their gifts to live out the kingdom of God. Having a drama teacher and a costume mistress has allowed us to have the most creative Christmas pageants. The office administrator for the Canadian Bible Society has challenged us to become involved in the Northern Alberta Bikes for Bibles Ride which we did this year with gusto against strong gusts of wind. Not because we are competitive (well actually we are) but because this is a way to proclaim that we believe firmly in the word of God having the power to transform lives. We saw that in one man who had not ridden in years, who in his first training run threatened not to return, being the pace setter two years in a row.
A frequent comment from new comers to the church is "There certainly is a lot going on here!" That has been a very deliberate choice on our part. If we are going to become a church that is active in the community, we have to start with community events. If we want to have ministry for the whole family, there has to be something for all members of the family. People need to see a church that is anticipating their needs. From a clean and bright nursery with someone to watch their children, to wheelchair accessibility and designated parking help to say "We have been expecting you!" and "Welcome home!"
But we don't let it stop there. As a new church we are involved in seeing other new church developments take place. We do what we can by providing room and board for the summer student, office space for the presbytery VBS program and helping find property for other new church development projects. Once again it has been through the use of the gifts we have, from seeing extra space that can do ministry to a commercial realtor who has the desire to work with churches in planning their futures. We might translate Jesus' commission to the disciples in Acts 1:8 to read, "You will receive power from the Holy Spirit to be my witnesses in Sherwood Park and the Edmonton region throughout all Alberta and to the ends of the earth." We have certainly found some great power as this growing church becomes better known in the community. Through community events, through its support of other presbytery missions and in our planning for more ways in which we can touch hearts and lives for the kingdom of God.