Less scolding, more PWS&D

As a Canadian, I could have done without that scolding from David Harris in September. Perhaps he's right we can afford more aid to Africa, but I for one object to sending our tax dollars to keep some dictator and his wives in luxury cars. I would recommend that for a country to be eligible for financial aid, a responsible government, hopefully one elected, has to be in place and there should be demonstrable benefit to the people in the projects they undertake. Food and medicinal aid are a different matter, but again, accounting for the distribution of these should be mandatory. Debt forgiveness may have a sweet ring to it, but how many times should a given country have its debts forgiven? I suggest once.

Do I feel for the poor people of Africa? Of course, all Christians do, but most of us do not want our hard earned money thrown into a pit.

Notwithstanding the above, as a Presbyterian, I have confidence in PWS&D and I give regularly to this organization. I know that whatever money I give will be directed to the right places and monitored. I would also recommend Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Both of these organizations have people on the ground to verify that the gifts get to those in need.