Dynamic voices

Youth Voice, in September, is one of the most dynamic issues, and your staff and the contributors are to be congratulated.
One thing is clear — those who criticize teens, don't really know teens. Opinions are easily formed on the basis of media reports and many of those are slanted to arouse excitement. Good news doesn't sell. It is therefore exciting to read thoughtful comments from young people who know who they are, what they want and are determined to seek it.
To say churches are living in the past is refuted by some of those who contributed. They want a different kind of worship. Why not prepare the kind of worship service that is acceptable to them? With some care and consideration (and prayer) surely an acceptable format and content could be worked out. I'm always surprised by what God can do. I will guarantee that young people will have a struggle to design something they would all accept!
The young people describe themselves in various terms. This will lead to the comment that not everyone can be lumped together in one category. We are all individuals and must not generalize.
We need more young people in our churches. Perhaps it's the young themselves who should be developing attendance for their peers rather than leave it to us old-fashioned people, many of whom, like me, never heard of Radiohead!

About J. E. Vallance
Nanaimo, B.C.