New position for Rick Fee

Rev. Rick Fee is inducted as the new general secretary of the Life and Mission Agency. Rev. Wayne Hancock, moderator of East Toronto Presbytery, led the ceremony.
Rev. Rick Fee is inducted as the new general secretary of the Life and Mission Agency. Rev. Wayne Hancock, moderator of East Toronto Presbytery, led the ceremony.

Rev. Richard Fee was formally inducted into his new position as General Secretary of the Life and Mission Agency on Sept. 28. He succeeds Rev. Ian Morrison, who has retired. Fee was previously executive director of Presbyterian World Service & Development.
Held at church offices, the standing-room only service gathered presbytery members, national staff, friends and colleagues. Fee thanked Morrison for his guidance as he passed the LMA torch unto him, and said the induction service left him "reinforced and buoyed up."
"I will not do this work alone," he said. "I look forward to working with all of you. It will be fun! We will enjoy this."
Rev. Daniel Cho, minister at Rexdale, gave the charge to the new general secretary. Cho spoke of Fee's "vibrant, robust and unrelenting" work ethic. He said Fee has "a passion to honour God's calling upon him" and encouraged him to continue to discern this calling amidst the escalating demands of his career.
Although he declined mentioning his specific hopes for his new position, Fee told the assembled to read two of the hymns that he chose for his induction service. "They say what I'd like to say in full," he said. "I endeavour to live out these words." Below are verses from each hymn:

May The God Of Hope Go With Us Every Day; 726, Book of Praise

Praying, let us work for peace,
Singing, share our joy with all,
Working for a world that's new,
Faithful when we hear God's call.

Called As Partners In Christ's Service; 587, Book of Praise

Called as partners in Christ's service,
Called to ministries of grace,
We respond with deep commitment,
Fresh new lines of faith to trace.
May we learn the art of sharing,
Side by side and friend with friend,
Equal partners in our caring
To fulfill God's chosen end.

Christ's example, Christ's inspiring,
Christ's clear call to work and worth,
Let us follow, never faltering,
Reconciling folk on earth.
Men and women, richer, poorer,
All God's people, young and old,
Blending human skills together,
Gracious gifts from God unfold.

– AM