South Nissouri, Friendly Corners, ON


When you reach 150 years of age one cake is not enough. You’ll need at least two and a tent to house them and all the guests, and, of course, the skits. That’s just what happened at South Nissouri, Friendly Corners, Ont., last July. A temporary tent annex was built for the festivities.


The current minister, Johan Olivier, of South Africa, cuts the first cake. He arrived in Friendly Corners in 2003.


Mervyn Tubb, who was minister from 1992-1998 cuts the second cake. He lives in nearby St. Mary’s.


Linda Gibbings, Larry Gibbings (he’s also an elder) and Yvonne Hill participated in a skit.


Jim Hill (elder), Wayne Benny, Don Lamond (Clerk of Session), Lois Sweeney and Frank Benny grabbed some shade.