Parksville, BC


Many denominations, cultures and centuries were brought together for the third annual Drama Camp in Parksville, B.C. Pictured cutting the cake, celebrating another successful collaboration, are Rev. Robert Kerr, of St. Columba, Mrs. Hazel Smith, Columba Camp Convenor, and Fr. Joseph Kobos of the Catholic Church of the Ascension, next door.

This year the week long intensive study was of the life of Moses. Sixty children, aged five to 12, learned stories and songs, crafts and commandments. They built props and bonded as members of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, proudly displaying the banners they made. Friday evening was the culmination of a year of preparation and a week of hard work using the talents and energy of many dedicated teachers, musicians and cooks. The musical Holy Moses, written for 12 people, expanded to embrace 60. It was perfomed with gusto and enjoyed by the audience who ensured, by their generous donations, that there is sufficient seed money for next year’s experience. Thanks be to God for the inspiration and stamina to carry out this exciting ministry.