CS Lewis Online Resources

The writings of C.S. Lewis have spawned a lengthy list of websites devoted to the author and his Christian musings. Below is by no means an exhaustive list, but a sampling of the better sites the Record has come across during its online travels.
If you're looking for information about The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe movie, visit www.narniaweb.com — a comprehensive, easy-to-explore website boasting up-to-the-minute news on the movie, video interviews with the cast, scenes from the film, awards buzz, discussion forum, and a frequently asked questions page for those new to the Narnia Chronicles.
Teachers, churches, parents and even post secondary institutions can order resources from a Disney/Walden Media site www.narniaresources.com.
For those looking to support seminars and educational endeavours about Lewis and his writings, visit the C.S. Lewis Foundation at www.cslewis.org and the C.S. Lewis Institute at www.cslewisinstitute.org.
For those interested in the Inklings – a literary group of writers and friends including Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton — visit personal.bgsu.edu/~edwards/lewis.html, a personal blog of an American English professor. Though centred on Lewis and his works, the site is devoted to all Inklings members and the continued scholarship that abounds on the works of these influential writers.
A great British website devoted to Lewis and the writing craft comes from the BBC at www.bbc.co.uk. The site features a biography of Lewis, a photo gallery and video clips of the author and focuses on exploring Lewis as a man, a storyteller and a Christian.
HarperCollins publisher operates www.cslewis.com, where selected Lewis works can be purchased online. Guides for reading groups can also be found here as can a discussion board and an opportunity to sign up for a C.S. Lewis newsletter.
A fantastic site for summing up Lewis' life, works and thoughts is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.S._Lewis — from a website known for its informative, detailed and comprehensive summaries of people, places and events.
Below are more links that should help quell your curiosity of all things Narnia:

Links to all things Lewis

Links to the Movie and the Narnia Chronicles

Links to the Inklings