Dorothy suggests…

Dorothy Henderson, associate secretary for Christian education shares some of her favourite books for youth leaders, teachers and parents.
All Kids are Our Kids, Peter Benson, Jossey-Bass. This truly inspiring book reminds us that it takes a village to raise children, and churches play an important role.
Equipping the Saints, Sara Coven Juengst, Westminster John Knox. If I had room for only one book on my shelf, this would be it! It has three parts. Each has 13 easy-to-do workshops—Basic Bible, What Presbyterians Believe, Practical Skills.
Teaming Up: Shared Leadership in Youth Ministry, Ginny Ward Holderness, Westminster John Knox. This is a practical, commonsense approach to working and having fun with youth and helping them develop leadership skills.
God, Kids & Us: The Growing Edge of Ministry with Children and the People Who Care for Them, Janet Marshal Eibner and Susan Graham Walker, United Church Publishing and Anglican Book Centre. This book covers the range of practical ways to work with kids in churches—worship, Sunday school, service.
The Family Story Bible, Ralph Milton, Northstone. The gentle, soft storytelling and drawings of Milton and artist, Margaret Kyle, make this a must for every church library, Sunday school room and home.
Mapping Christian Education: Approaches to Congregational Learning, Jack L.Seymour, Abingdon. This book offers models for how Christian education can happen in congregations—spiritual growth, justice orientation (transformation), community-based, religious instruction.
Will Our Children Have Faith?, John Westerhoff, Seabury Press. How can a 35-year-old book feel so fresh and new? Westerhoff's "old" ideas are full of vitality and feel right for this time.