'God kept me alive for some purpose'

Marcel Ginchereau hasn't always been in such good spirits. At 43, he has lived a life of homelessness, drug addiction and alcohol dependency. A battle with schizophrenia that is now controlled with medication was a source of many ills. Now clean and sober for four years, he credits Evangel Hall and a strong devotion to God for turning his life around. "I was a real mess when I came here. You wouldn't recognize me," said Ginchereau, during an interview at Evangel Hall. "If God was not around, I'd be dead. He kept me alive for some purpose. I don't know what it is yet, but one day I will."
Ginchereau volunteers almost daily at Evangel Hall, helping to clean, serve coffee during drop-in hours and to attend Sunday worship. He's excited for the new building to be finished, as he will be moving into one of the 84 low-income units available for those in need. "I'll have my own apartment for the first time in my life," he said. "Just to have my own shower and my own toilet. And I want a cat. That will be big for me. I'm happy now, but that will be even better."
His own family – mother, sister and brother – live in Montreal. He lost his dad a few months ago, and Evangel Hall gave him the money he needed for a bus ticket so he could attend the funeral. He's grateful for the generosity he has found there, admitting that the staff are like family. "God wants good things for you," he said. "And I've got good things since I came here.
"Evangel Hall is a good thing for people who want to change. And if people want to believe, then having God in your life can change your life." – AM