Golden Girls


Jeanette McLaren has been a lifelong member of St. George’s, London, Ont., and celebrated her 101st birthday there in September. She served her church as a Sunday School teacher, through Canadian Girls in Training and the Women’s Mission Society. The retired teacher, and widow, still lives in her home and attends worship regularly.


Annie Sippel has been a member of the Presbyterian Church for over 80 years, and also a life member of the Women’s Mission Society, through Knox, Embro, Ont. Last October her congregation, along with family and friends, honoured her 100th birthday. The retired nurse now lives in Tavistock, Ont.


Mildred Flett joined New Westminster, Hamilton, Ont., in 1927, and was in the choir for 70 years. She is also a life member of the Women’s Mission Society. In September she celebrated her 97th birthday – in the Presbyterian fashion, with a cake and flowers, surrounded by her church and family and friends.