Churches continue aid efforts

The Presbyterian Church continues to help rebuild the many areas devastated in 2005. The following are updates on four supported by Presbyterian World Service and Development:
Malawi With matching funds from the Canadian International Development Agency, PWS&D and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank have provided $500,000 to feed over 2,000 families in northern Malawi for six months and are working to provide 4,000 farming families with fertilizer, maize, groundnut (peanut) and soy seed and cassava cuttings. Five hundred families will also receive a goat to help them increase their food security. PWS&D has also contributed $34,000 to Action by Churches Together to help provide food and seed to other struggling families.
Darfur, Sudan As human rights violations continue, PWS&D's partner, Action by Churches Together is working to provide healthcare, clean water, sanitation, nutrition and education to families in refugee camps.
Central America Development partners in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua are working to provide food, clothing, water, sanitation and housing for those affected by Hurricane Stan. The Foodgrains Bank is helping communities survive until new crops can be harvested.
South Asia ACT is providing food, shelter, water and sanitation in earthquake-stricken communities in Pakistan and Indian-administered Kashmir. More than $1 million has been raised by the church from various funding sources. – with files from PWS&D