That kid was Jesus

I am appalled by Andrew Faiz's December article. He refers to the birth of Jesus as "that kid that was born in that barn." How insulting and degrading can you get?
Yes, Christmas has become too materialistic to too many people. What are you doing to share the real meaning of Christmas? Do you really believe that the number of people shopping for gifts means those people do not know the real meaning of Christmas?
Christmas is giving. Christmas is love. God, with His wonderful love for His people, gave us the greatest gift possible, His only Son, Jesus. Because of God's gifts to us I take great pleasure in giving gifts to my family and loved ones. And I take great pleasure in celebrating the birthday of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. He brought love to the world and the glory of God. The old familiar carols are wonderful. Jesus is the light of the world. And all the Christmas lights are beautiful to see. And at no other time are there more opportunities to tell people the real meaning of Christmas.

About Mary Richards
Alliston, Ont.