We have His whole world in our hands : Greening your congregation

A few ways a congregation can more Earth-friendly.

  • develop a mission statement together
  • hold an Earth Day service
  • introduce ecology to worship through hymns, prayers, scripture and bulletins
  • undertake a formal environmental audit
  • reduce energy by using energy-efficient light bulbs, turning off lights and turning down thermostats
  • transportation accounts for 25 per cent of Canada's greenhouse-gas emissions: walk, bike, take a bus to church
  • develop environmental sustainability criteria for purchasing supplies (e.g., consider locally available resources or products rather than imports)
  • reduce consumption and waste, re-use as often as possible and recycle more than just paper. For example, wash dishes instead of using disposable cups for coffee and tea
  • stop using pesticides and herbicides on church lawns
  • convert open-space lawns to community gardens
  • use non-chlorinated bleaches like Borax for difficult cleaning
  • try David Suzuki's Nature Challenge (www.davidsuzuki.org/WOL/Challenge) or the One Tonne Challenge (www.climatechange.gc.ca)

– Janette McIntosh