Planning to fail

Doing business in the same old way is not a strategy in today's economic environment. So why is it that many church leaders today subscribe to this strategy for our local churches? Is this not a plan for failure? More likely, this is probably not a plan at all.
Spending time to form committees, which will review how our ministry can be delivered in an efficient manner, seems to me to be off the mark. Perhaps it would be wiser to centre our efforts and energies on delivering our ministry in a more efficient manner.
The economic woes facing many small churches today can likely be traced to resistance by members and leaders in changing their delivery system. We need to re-examine our visions and to develop meaningful strategies, which will allow us to connect with the growing numbers of under-churched or unchurched in our local communities. If we truly love the church of Jesus Christ, then the sacrifices to be made in order to facilitate the necessary changes will be much easier to accept.