That non-inclusive spiritual

Thank you for the collage of essays and articles highlighting environmental awareness issues in the March issue. It was an insightful and thoughtful piece.
However, I was very dismayed at the title. To be honest I expected better from the Record. Our church continues to struggle with non-inclusive patriarchal language and the very glib use of this language adds to that struggle. Interestingly, all of the essays and articles used inclusive language, further making the title an embarrassment.
The male-dominated language some church leaders continually use for God is, I believe, an ill-conceived attempt to make God look powerful. It is not merely a language issue, it is an issue of power. During Lent we seek to understand the power of God's self sacrificing, self emptying love which exposes us to our very core. But God's alternative use of power is so foreign to our North American culture that even we, who profess to be Christians, don't quite get it — it seems so powerless. It is almost like we want to apologize for God's powerlessness by using strong male-dominated language.
You may have been trying for a catchy title. It didn't work.

About Marty Molengraaf
Aberfoyle, Ont.