Maritime stained glass registry established

Sattler's Stained Glass Studio in Nova Scotia launched the first Maritime Stained Glass Registry to document the Maritimes' stained glass treasures last summer. The purpose of the registry is to serve as a record if a window is lost or damaged, and to act as a conservation aid.
The studio came to realize the lack of documentation of church windows in the Maritimes when doing restoration projects. Churches and other owners are contacted by the studio and asked to return a simple survey. Studio staff will then visit the site and take photos of the glass. Owners then receive a comprehensive window report detailing the data, condition and replacement value (for insurance purposes) of each window. If any conservation measures are required those are also recommended. The service is free for all participants in the Maritimes.
It is hoped that by the end of 2008, all of Nova Scotia's stained glass windows will be documented. Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick will follow. Visit to learn more, or go to for the online survey.