First, Pembroke, ON


Two anniversaries in one and the beneficiary is Presbyterian Sharing. In May, First, Pembroke, Ont., celebrated its 81st anniversary, and the 25th anniversary of its minister Rev. Daniel H. Forget. Elder Walter Inglis presented Forget with an engraved plaque and later the session and members of the congregation gave him a red Pentecost stole. But, most important in the presentations was the $500 donated to Presbyterian Sharing by Mary MacKenzie, president of the Ladies Evening Auxiliary. In this photo, Walter M. Inglis presents an engraved plaque to Rev. Daniel H. Forget.


The Session of First Church: (Back row from left) Elders Jack Carson, John Horner, Bill Pearson, Sean Devereux, (Second row from left) Don Wallace, Leonard Hopkins, Doug Davies, (Front row from left) Ann Hamilton, Rev. Daniel H. Forget, Arlyss Young, Walter M. Inglis, Dale Woermke and Ted O. Dupuis. (Missing in this photo) Elders Roy K. Harle & Ann Thomson.