PWS&D responds to Java

Presbyterian World Service & Development is working with Action by Churches Together to help the more than 200,000 left homeless and injured by the earthquake that hit the Indonesian island of Java on May 27th. The 6.3-magnitude quake left more than 5,000 people dead.
Through ACT, a global alliance of churches and related agencies, PWS&D is helping to ensure that medical care, shelter, food, clean water and sanitation make it to the most affected communities. Within hours of the quake, three ACT members in Indonesia were responding.
Natalia Caw, a relief worker, reported that injured people were being treated in the hospitals' corridors and terraces since the numbers were reaching the thousands. She noted a need for more medical staff, medicines and surgical equipment.
To help with the relief effort, donations can be made through your congregation or directly to PWS&D. Remember to clearly mark your gift PWS&D Indonesia Earthquake Relief.
Distribution of food packages and clean water were underway at press time.