Partners in mission

Moderator Wilma Welsh with E. H. Johnson Award recipient Karuna Roy of the Church of North India at General Assembly.
Moderator Wilma Welsh with E. H. Johnson Award recipient Karuna Roy of the Church of North India at General Assembly.

As I pondered with what I would say in my first message to you as Moderator of the 132nd General Assembly, I decided to share with you a few reports received by the General Assembly this year.
I was reminded during the assembly that in 1966, 40 years ago, The Presbyterian Church in Canada approved the ordination of women to the eldership and to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. For preparation for the question on the role of women in the church, congregations were invited to use a study book entitled Putting Woman in Her Place. I personally recall this publication being produced, as the final manuscript went across my desk to the printer. Another policy change that we saw in action this year was the 1995 decision that ruling elders and diaconal ministers were eligible to serve as moderator of the General Assembly. I was ordained as an elder 39 years ago, and this year as a ruling elder became Moderator. I give thanks to God for the many men and women who believed that women should be fully recognized within the church. It is my generation that has seen these major changes in the church's polity.
There were many highlights in this year's reports to the assembly, some of which you're read in this issue. See the complete reports of the 132nd General Assembly at
It is not a surprise to anyone who knows me that I have chosen as my theme for the year Partners in Mission. During my moderatorial year I hope to share with you some of the ministries we have both in Canada and overseas. I look forward to visiting congregations across Canada to share the mission story as I have personally experienced it as a layperson and as a national staff person both in Canada and overseas. During visits to our overseas partners I often wished that that every member from the Presbyterian Church could stand where I was standing to help them understand more fully what a tremendous difference they make in the lives of people in the developing world. A little goes a long way! I was moved almost to tears in Costa Rica as I watched young children having dinner. Our givings to Presbyterian World Service and Development made it possible for these young children to receive three square meals a week. I thank God for your caring and your sharing.
I want to quote from Education for Mission of the Life and Mission Agency's report to the General Assembly:

In an Education for Mission congregational survey, a question was asked about the meaning of congregational mission and who is responsible for it. One person responded as follows:
Our basic assumption, based on scripture, is that the whole church must be involved in mission. We therefore should not consider mission a hobby or a pastime in which to be involved occasionally or when we can spare some time. It isn't just a once-a-year preoccupation characterized by an annual mission Sunday or missionary conference. Nor should it be regarded as one of the many interests and departments of the church. Mission is not an option, it is a mandate. The whole church must be occupied with it.
The respondent captures well the essential nature of mission for the church. Mission lies at the heart of the church's existence. It is the work of the church, given to it by God, centred in the gospel of Jesus Christ and made real through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Without mission, the church does not exist.

International Ministries is in partnership with 29 agencies around the world. In Canada we share in special ministries such as ethnic ministries and with our first nations people. Let us not forget new church development. We need new churches if we want to grow. These ministries are possible because we share through our givings to Presbyterians Sharing.
Please continue to pray for the partners we stand in solidarity with, both in Canada and overseas.
We are commissioned to go and tell – tell the good news of Jesus Christ to all.
M. Wilma Welsh