Biking for Bibles

Bruce Kemp, Centennial Ride Coordinator and North Alberta District Director, participates in Bike for Bibles.
Bruce Kemp, Centennial Ride Coordinator and North Alberta District Director, participates in Bike for Bibles.

As part of the centennial celebrations of the Canadian Bible Society, I led a team of more than 80 cyclists for nine weeks on a cross-Canada journey. It took us 64 days to cover more than 7,500 kilometres. The team gathered at Mile Zero in Victoria on July 2nd and ended with a climb up Signal Hill in Saint John’s on September 3rd. The ride passed through every province in Canada. We had participants from all parts of Canada and even some from Australia and Ireland.
The project we chose for this ride is one that I have actively encouraged for years: to provide Bibles to those who work in prisons, the inner city, youth work and in first nations’ ministries. One of the challenges is being able to afford to purchase scripture for the people they serve. Our aim is not only to provide scripture to these ministries, but also to work with them to include guides to the scripture in a package and format that will allow these workers to make a greater impact. Our goal for this project is $500,000.
While the Canadian Bible Society has been actively working in Canada for more than 200 years, it was only in 1906 that by an act of Parliament former branches and auxiliaries of the British and Foreign Bible Society were brought together to form a Canadian society.
Today we provide the Word of God in more than 70 languages locally including more than 20 First Nations languages and more then 2,400 translations worldwide.
have worked with the Bible Society for 10 years and am pleased to be part of a team that works with other ministries to change hearts and lives.
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