Following God's road

Brock Lemiski and friend
Brock Lemiski and friend

Two years ago, I attended a similar conference called Triennium, held at Purdue University in Indiana, so I had some idea of what CY06 would include. I looked forward to a week filled with energetic participants and staff, ready to share the love of God with everyone they met. I was not disappointed. From the moment I stepped on campus at Brock University, I found myself surrounded by leaders eager to help me feel comfortable. I was blown away by the enthusiasm of all attending the conference. Throughout the week at CY06, I had the opportunity to meet new friends, enjoy new styles of worship and learn new ways in which to praise God.
Every day of CY06, the over 600 participants made their way down to worship. Once there, we were greeted by one of three Christian music groups — Glen Soderholm, Lost Pilgrims or The Witnesses. They combined their unique talents to help shape a worship service that inspired the hearts of everyone, and facilitated a calm and loving environment where the peace of Christ could be felt by all. In addition to the joyous music heard all week, other arts were incorporated into the worship services, including dramatic monologues, dances, skits and multimedia slideshows that were projected around the worship hall. These helped to keep the service exciting and it helped remind me that there is far more to praising the Lord than dutifully attending church and listening to a sermon once a week. It opened my eyes and my heart to the glory and majesty of our God.
The theme of the conference was taken from the book of Isaiah when God says, “Here is the road. Follow it.” As part of the Conference Track, I was able to learn about much of the mission work The Presbyterian Church in Canada is involved in, locally and around the globe. The current focus of many of the church’s mission projects is the eradication of AIDS and the creation of support systems for those living with AIDS, especially those in third world or developing countries. After attending CY06, I feel empowered to make a difference. It may be a small difference, or it may be very large, but I feel compelled to use my resources to find out what I can do to follow the path of others who have already taken up this work.
CY06 was a life-changing event that allowed for spiritual reflection, and provided nourishment for both body and soul. The people we met and the praises we sang will remain forever as memorable milestones as we travel God’s road. We were there for a six-day, excitement-packed, Presbyterian conference and we had a blast!