A journey of faith

Personally, while I like to commute on my bicycle, I don’t think that I would have entered the Bike for Bibles Centennial Ride if I hadn’t felt a strong nudge from God to do so. Since God does things for me all the time, I felt good about tangibly doing something for Him. In a way, for me, doing this ride parallels the story of the talents. God has given me the ability to ride my bike and called me to use it for his purpose of spreading the Word by helping the Canadian Bible Society raise funds. I felt a bit like the reluctant prophet Jonah, being anxious about undertaking the tasks of fundraising and going on such a long ride. But, I figured I might as well follow the call instead of being swallowed by a whale, and so I remind myself whenever I get overwhelmed, that I’m doing this for God and that God only asks those who are worthy. I am excited because this is the first time I am doing something that I don’t really want to do for myself but feel called upon to do for God. Actually, it scares me sometimes, because I don’t want to fail God in this effort. I guess you could say it has become a bit of a faith journey now.
I have learned a lot about getting out of my comfort zone doing fundraising, and thank God for this interesting and educational opportunity and experience.
For more information: www.bikeforbibles.ca.