Check your bias

Stigma is considered one of the major drivers of HIV/AIDS in the world — the systemic judgement of those affected into a guilty or innocent category. You know it happens, but certainly you're not a contributor.

Or are you?

This is a very simple exercise based on a hypothetical scenario. The three individuals below are all infected with a deadly virus they have contracted through sharing bodily fluids. You have the antidote but there is only enough for one. You have to decide which of the three gets the medication.

Based solely on the information below decide who gets to live.

• is a Homosexual man

• is a Health-care Worker

• is a Domestic Worker

Your choice for the one to receive the anti-viral medication? Your reason? Write your answers down on a piece of paper.

You're right, there wasn't enough information the first time around. Here's some more information by which to make a more informed decision.

• is a doctor
• infected by patient
• long-term relationship with Dennis, a pharmacist

• infected sexually
• works in an escort agency after hours to subsidize income
• has two children

• found to be HIV+ when wanted to remarry, man asked to produce HIV test result
• infected during a medical procedure
• first husband died of AIDS-related TB

Your choice for the one to receive the anti-viral medication? Your reason? Write your answers down on a piece of paper.

A little bit more information has come out about all three that may help you further.

• both he and Dennis have successful careers and are wealthy

• she has no medical assistance
• she has no savings to secure her future
• so, she still works as a receptionist at the escort agency

• lost her job because HIV+
• husband’s policy paid out USD$32,000
• invited to invest money in daughter’s business

Your choice for the one to receive the anti-viral medication? Your reason? Write your answers down on a piece of paper.

Now go back through your three answers: did you leave your bias behind? In each scenario what concepts drove your decision? Sexuality, profession, wealth? Any others? Share this exercise with friends and family, try it at coffee hour this Sunday.

About Courtesy of Anerela+ and World Vision