Emerging lands

Stuart MacDonald is correct that the institutional church is facing a monumental change owing to the fact that our close bonds with the central establishments of Western society have been cut after a period of 1,700 years. By all means pray, but when we look at our church and the reality that we have failed to connect with generations born in the past 65 years, we should realize that we have been getting deeper in the wilderness for some time. If insight and direction do not come soon we will die in the wilderness.

If the Record cannot find a Presbyterian thinker with some insight and some vision for a new direction, an article or series with some detail and depth on the ideas of Borg or other figures in the emerging church movement would be appreciated.

Our understanding and concept of faith will also change and evolve as it is freed from 1,700 years of institutional and societal entanglements. There is something fresh, fertile and exciting beyond the wilderness. Will Presbyterians reach the Promised Land?

About Andrew Mitchell, North Saanich, B.C.