Courageous, Critical, Compassionate

I know there will be great diversity of opinion regarding the reporting on the presbytery decision regarding Dr. Robert Fourney. Perhaps that will evidence itself nowhere more dramatically than in the responses to your editorial for the July/August edition. I would personally like to express a series of words that I feel characterize the nature of your editorial. Courageous – as difficult as it is to make commentary in these situations I believe you spoke forthrightly and courageously. Critical – in a day and age when these types of issues are frequently swept under the proverbial carpet it was essential that someone speak clearly concerning the decision. Compassionate – appropriate recognition was given to the needs which Dr. Fourney as well as the congregations he has served will have going forward from here while at the same time acknowledging that the circle of those impacted adversely by all of this is much bigger than the victims themselves. Conscientious – for I can only imagine how much consideration must have gone into the decision not only about what would be reported but how best to do that. Heartfelt thanks to you for doing the right thing.

About Chuck Congram
Senior Minister,
Lakeshore St. Andrew's Church