Ontarians in Newfoundland


Summertime means choir tours, of course, and the Ontario Presbyterian Chorus spent theirs in Newfoundland. Seventy-four members sang their way through June, helping churches raise funds for local projects. St. Andrew's, St. John's, raised $1,000 through ticket sales and applied it to their renovations fund, on top of the offerings collected. The Salvation Army Citadel, Deer Lake, got $300 for the Ecumenical Relief Fund.
Churches were not the only beneficiaries. The choir members were overwhelmed by the generosity of Newfoundlanders. In Lewisport, for example, they sang at St. Matthew's United and were billeted locally. They heard many stories of how the community had gathered around those travelers stranded in near-by Gander after September 11th, 2001.
In a unique version of a swear jar, choir members donated 25 cents each time they misspoke, calling their coach a bus. They raised $590 for the Grenfell Mission in St. Anthony's. – Katherine Allen