Mission is the Message

Women of Amkhut at a service celebrating the release of the Bhil prisoners.
Women of Amkhut at a service celebrating the release of the Bhil prisoners.

And looking at those who sat around him, he said,
“Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does
the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”
Mark 3:34-35

Whether it means cleaning barns in Eastern Europe or holding the hands of AIDS-stricken children in sub-Saharan Africa, Presbyterian lay members and clergy are there. The Great Commission may have meant conversion and conquest at some point in Christian history but today the definition is much more complicated and compelling.

Mission today means giving voice to the voiceless, strength to the weak, it means educating ourselves to the experience and reality of others, shaking our own comfort zones, creating comfort for those who have never known peace in their lives or their homelands. Mission is everything we do; it is The Message we deliver to ourselves and to others.

Then there was the gospel
The church has long had a love affair with India
by Amy MacLachlan
Spiritual spice
Exploring the depth of experience in Grenada
by Ken Stright
For the youth, by the youth
In Ottawa youth lead themselves in worship
by Katie Munnik
An opportunity to share
Mission is also about learning and fundraising
by Anne Phillips