The fund secretary responds:

The Experimental Fund can only distribute income received from the annual investment earned on its capital, which now stands at just over half a million dollars, after 25 years. There have been occasions in the past where worthy projects were at hand, but sufficient income was not. As the capital grows, more income can be spent.
With respect to “bursaries, emergencies and special building needs,” this provision was added to the constitution at the benefactor's request several years ago, as he envisioned the day when funds might be available but no suitable projects. He did not want money sitting around that could be used for otherwise good purposes. Hence, a secondary purpose for the use of such money was added.
I assure the writer and the church that the directors take their responsibilities seriously with respect to their administration of the Experimental Fund. And there is no objection or restriction to persons of goodwill who might wish to enlarge the present capital base. More information about the fund can be gained from the Church's web site.

About Rev. Dr. Fred Rennie,
The Experimental Fund