With a capital V

Editor notes: The image was taken from a graphic designers' stock resource. The photographer, who identified himself only as Bernd, wrote from Germany to explain, “It was a small statue on a gravestone somewhere in southern Germany. I went in very close since it was only 20 centimetres in height.”
Re Renewal, January
Rev. Calvin Brown defends himself over and over again, even frequently referring to scripture but he never refers to, nor claims, that well-known pronouncement of Isaiah which we hear every Christmas. Isaiah makes no reference to Christ's birth nor His mother's virginity as having any relevance in any way to His authority in acting the way He did or for teaching what He taught; nor does Isaiah refer to Jesus' birth circumstances as proof that His authority came from His Father.
John the Baptist from prison asks Jesus, “Are you He who is to come…” What did Jesus reply? Did He try to reassure John by reminding him that His mother was a virgin (with a capital V)? Did He mention His mother at all in His reply? No.
“No good reason to believe Jesus is really God?” It seems that was good enough for Jesus!

About Marion Ballard
Markham, Ont.