Council ponders biennial assembly

The possibility of general assembly meeting every other year garnered the most discussion at an otherwise low-key Assembly Council meeting in March.
Questions were raised about how business and workload would change; and what power would have to be delegated to council in order to govern between assemblies. Loss of fellowship and opportunities for student and young adult representatives were balanced against the financial savings. (Assembly costs the national church about $250,000, plus another $20,000 for the local arrangements committee).
The Presbyterian Church (USA) meets every other year, and both the United and Anglican churches' national governing bodies meet every three years.
Assembly's permission will be sought to establish a task group to study the implications and report back next year.
The theme of justice was set for the 2008 assembly and Hamilton Presbytery will host the 2009 gathering.
Pending approval at assembly, a new policy for professorial stipends was approved, breaking the link to national executive pay. Stipends were compared to those of church colleges on the same campuses as Presbyterian colleges, and to salaries paid by university theology, religion and philosophy departments. Four pay scales were established to be reviewed every three years.
The draft policy on addressing allegations of racial harassment will go to assembly before being sent to presbyteries for study. A committee will now develop diversity policies for the church.
And Crieff Hills is pondering going “green.” A two-year fundraising drive would be needed to raise the estimated $2-million needed.