LMA Names Staff to Two Positions

Peter Johnson. Photo - Amy MacLachlan
Peter Johnson. Photo - Amy MacLachlan
Karen Plater. Photo - Keith Knight
Karen Plater. Photo - Keith Knight

New web manager arrives

Peter Johnson of Queensville, Ont., has been named the new web administrator for the church's national website. Johnson began his work on April 2 and brings with him a strong background as a web programmer and designer. He enters his position at a time when there is a major redesign and reconstruction of the denominational website. He attends St. Andrew's, Newmarket, Ont., and plans to marry in the fall.

Plater moves to Mission Education

The Life and Mission Agency has announced that Karen Plater has been appointed Associate Secretary for Mission Education and Stewardship. She has been communications coordinator for Presbyterian World Service and Development for 11 years.

“Seeing churches become engaged in relief and development work through both PWS&D and the Towards a World without AIDS campaign has helped remind me what it means to be church in the world,” said Plater. “In this new position, I look forward to working with churches to find more ways we can use the gifts God has given us to care for the poor, speak out for the oppressed, demonstrate love and compassion for one another and share the gospel message of love, hope and faith.”

Plater replaces Annemarie Klassen, who is retiring after 11 years in the position. The decision was made at the LMA committee's March meeting. Rev. Daniel Cho, convener, expressed his appreciation to Klassen on behalf of the committee. The transition will happen gradually over the summer months. –AM